Clinic Day 1

Sorry it has been so long. The team is here and wifi is now VERY spotty. I love it though because it gives me time to listen to God’s sweet whispers. He has been diligent to continue to pursue my heart and push me to my limits. I have been amazed by the work of the Holy Spirit and am continually awestruck by our Savior.

Today in clinic we saw 180 patients. I worked with a CRNA on optic nerve blocks most of the morning, which was pre op work before cataract surgery. It was amazing to see Teresa at work and assist her. I love feeling needed. I am reminded that just as I long to feel needed so does Christ. He wants us to invite him into our adventures and when we do, He shows up!

A crazy day in a clinic in Africa made for interesting diagnosis. Here are a few things I got to assist with….

-       a bilateral inguinal hernia on one of our very own kids from Kenya Relief. Unfortunately, we do not have a doctor here who can operate, so he will have to wait until the pediatric team comes in March.
-       An IND on the ear lobe. This was also one of our kids from Kenya Relief. Dan and Jullian did this procedure and after it was all done, the girl was all smiles. I even got to give her a Rocephin injection to help with the infection.
-       Facial and periorbital edema seen on a 6 year old little boy from Kenya Relief Academy. After facing anaphylactic shock we were able to figure out that it came on from a bee sting.
-       A hypertensive crisis made for a huge scare in clinic. The lady came in with a blood pressure of 250/110 and complaining of a headache and malaise. It was chaotic, but we eventually got her transferred to Distric Hospital to stay overnight.
-       Pteregium-which is when the inner corner of your eye swells to such an extent that it blocks the visual field. This has to be operated on and that is planned for tomorrow morning. The lady who is having the surgery walked 20 miles all the way from Tanzania just to see the American doctors.

I am so excited to begin tomorrow and see what other crazy things the Lord has in store. I love this place and I can’t imagine how hard Wednesday is going to be.

One of the highlights of my day was two young boys from the compound approached me with notes they wrote me. The notes bring tears to my eyes thinking about them because the unconditional love put into each word written. Their love has no boundaries, I am blessed to know and love them.

Pray for my heart to be at peace as I rest in the realization that the Lord has gone before these kids.

All my love from Kenya, Hannah


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