Where are you mommy?
Yall..... I am exhausted.
and not the normal prepping for thanksgiving tired. I am "mama is worn down" tired. All you SAH (stay at home) moms know what I'm talking about.
The girls (Nora and Margot) have been sick for what feels like a month. We have battled conjunctivitis, adenovirus, ear infections, and more. We can't catch a break. Nora has by far taken the grunt of it and it breaks this mama's heart. Thankfully because I am still nursing Margot she has been okay (so far at least). With sickness comes extra whines, extra tears, and extra clinginess. The second the girl's sense I have left the room the waterworks begin. "mommy, where did you go?" "mommy, where are you?".... and although it is so sweet I am craving some alone time. Even if that means 3 uninterrupted minutes to use the bathroom.
"I am right her, baby". "I have not left".
I can see the relief on their face when they see me return. I am their constant, their safe place, their home. I am their mama. The most challenging and rewarding role I have ever had.
WOW. That must be how God feels too. "I am right here, I have not left, my child". "Seek me and you shall find me".
So here I am. Reminded that God always answers my cries with grace and love.... and now my little mama heart is convicted.
God, help me to approach my girl's cries with grace and understanding. Although I am not always patient, help them to see your patience and love through me.
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