Traveling Home

Well I said my goodbyes… but I guess it was just see you later. I will be back!

This month has been a joy, in every facit of the word. It has exceeded my expectations and the Lord has showed up in boundless ways. This place is a true picture of the gospel.

In Kenya all facades are removed and the messy, unfiltered life of a sinner is revealed. Life is hard. But Joy is overflowing. It is the most alive I have ever felt. It is where my soul connects with reality.

Tonight I kissed each baby and told them how proud I was of them. I told them how much I love them and meant it with all of my heart. I ache for these kids. I want only the very best for them. I desire more for them. I would do anything to know they are taken care of. I guess that is love. True, genuine, passionate love.

I wrote two letters before I left. One to Byron and one to Juma. A letter to explain how much I cared for them and encouraging them to reach for their dreams. I pulled both boys aside and bawled my eyes out as I explained my deep love for them. With tears in their eyes they told me the same. They grabbed my hand and held it tight, as if they were never letting go. My heart stopped for a split moment and I wish I could have frozen time. This is what pure joy looks like.

Saying goodbye was horrible, but at the same time I never felt so loved. Ocampo and Tom were both asleep when I came in but quickly arose to give me big hugs. I told them I had to go home for a little while but I would be back. With a sweet smile Ocampo pointed at me and said “Hannah, love you.” Tom leaped from his bed and hugged me tight. Gripping every inch of my body, he loved me well. These are my children. These kids represent the gospel in flesh form.

My heart aches. I don’t want to leave. I have cried more today than I thought possible, but it has made me realize one important truth….. we are called to eternal glory and one day I will get to celebrate with them once again.

I can’t wait to hug your necks, mom and dad. I have missed you so much! And Jack, get ready for your heart to swell. One of the 12 year old boys wrote you a letter, it brings new meaning to the phrase “loving without boundaries”!

Tomorrow we embark for the safari! Cant wait to see God’s vast presence at Masai Mara!

Praying for a good nights sleep for all my kiddos and for one last big hug before we leave!

America bound very soon, Hannah


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