Day 2
It is the second day of my verse challenge and I have been more then blessed by this weather. My first steps out the door I was immediately struck with God's love. I was amazed at how much he loved me in spite of how dirty I am. We are chosen and loved no matter what we do, and God clothes us with grace even though we are so unworthy.
The verse of the day comes from Matthew 14:2-3:
Pharisees said, "Why do your disciples break the tradition of elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!" Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?"
This verse immediately makes me think of society today. This verse reminds of how many times I go along with what society says to do instead of what God says to do. Jesus replies... "why do you break the command of God.....?" Why do I? Why do I break the commandment of God when it comes to trusting and believing that he is good. Then this made my mind go to another subjects matter and that is the proverbs 31 woman. In this verse it talks about how a woman of God laughs at the future instead of worrying about it. It is amazing how many times a day I stress about tomorrow instead of focusing on what the Lord has provided for today.
So today I challenge you as I do myself to enjoy today and not break the command of God because society tells you something different. Have confidence in Gods plan and enjoy living in it!
In Him, Hannah
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