A Black Eye and A Ready Heart
So Yesterday my optimism was tested when I had a little tubing incident. What started as a fun day at the lake turned into a gash in my eye with potential for an ER visit. Fun day at the lake huh? Well it all started when we decided to tube with the same robe that 30 minutes earlier got stuck in the propeller. You guessed it... a small rip in the rope turned into a tube of friends being flung into the water at 30 miles per hour. My knee hit my eye which popped it right open. Yummy huh? So after the 20 minute drive home in a convertible with wind hitting this open wound. It opened again and caused several arguments amongst my family members. Should we go to the ER? Does she need stitches? Should we get an antibiotic before she leaves for africa? Should we call a doctor? After hours of disagreement we made our way to a family friends house (keep in mind he was a pediatric dentist) and he fixed me right up. Although I am a little sore today (okay I am very sore... and feel like I got hit by a bus) everything is perfectly fine and in 4 days I will be ready to go to Africa!
How the Lord has healed my eye... yesterday it was wide open with potential to be stitched up and today it just looks like I have red eye liner on. The diagnosis from several nurses was that I would be swollen for many days with half of my face black and blue..... but remember with God diagnosis can be proven wrong! So here I am today a little swollen and very sore but ready to take on Africa and the trip of my dreams! Thank you Jesus for a sweet reminder that you are in control!
4 days WHAT UP!
How the Lord has healed my eye... yesterday it was wide open with potential to be stitched up and today it just looks like I have red eye liner on. The diagnosis from several nurses was that I would be swollen for many days with half of my face black and blue..... but remember with God diagnosis can be proven wrong! So here I am today a little swollen and very sore but ready to take on Africa and the trip of my dreams! Thank you Jesus for a sweet reminder that you are in control!
4 days WHAT UP!
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