Complaints turned to Praise
Yesterday I woke up with a very sore throat. I immediately started complaining about how this was awful timing, I had 2 tests this week, my nursing interview was this weekend, my parents were coming, we had a social on tuesday night, etc. I pretty much complained for the whole day. It wasn't until my roommate Hannah K came home and reminded me that nothing surprised God that I felt better. She told me that nothing that happens ever surprises God, and that he stays consistent through it all. She reminded me that he is not driven by emotions like we are, but rather loves unconditionally through every storm. I was immediately humbled as I realized how much I had been complaining about the circumstances. God was not surprised that I got sick, and he definitely wasn't surprised that this week is about to get real busy. He knew what he was doing from the beginning. So I am approaching this week in a new light. I am going to trust him rather then complain to him, and remind myself everyday that he is bigger then a sore throat, and he is bigger then an interview. I need to approach this week with confidence that the Lord is going to get me through it, just like he has the past 20 years. Thank you Jesus for sweet friends that provide sweet reminders. Thank you for not being driven by emotions but rather by love. I am forever thankful for your role in my life.
In Him, Hannah
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