I am covered. Covered by a love that is eternal. Covered by peace. Covered by grace upon grace.
It is funny how life is sometimes. How each day seems to cripple by, but by the end of the week, month, year, you wonder where life went. That is how my heart it feeling.
As I begin my professional career at Children's of Alabama, I am amazed at how each step I have made was ordained by the creator of the Universe. That his ways have been in each step...... and all along in the process. Now let me be honest, it has not been an easy process. Days are long, paperwork is much, and exhaustion has reached an all time high. But I can honestly say my creator has been in each step. He has been in each interview, in each email, and in each divine encounter. I am blessed.
As I begin to think about my move to Birmingham, a lot of anxiety comes to mind. I am first and for most nervous about the transition. I am fully aware that it is not going to be easy. Nights are going to be lonely and the devil is going to attack me in a new way. He is going to speak words of doubt into my mind.
The catch comes when I think of my creator. He fought the cross and beat it. For me. Now I am to live in freedom, and with that comes joy that radiates from my most inward being.
So today I want to speak truth. I want to remind you that you are captivating. That you were made for a purpose and are so loved.
“We can be satisfied. We are loved, wanted, seen, delighted in, provided for, cherished, chosen, known, and planned on. We are set apart, believed in, invited, valued, of immeasurable worth, and blessed.”
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