And it begins
It is finally here, my last semester of nursing school! I am overwhelmed with thankfulness as I look back on my time at Auburn. As I reflect on the opportunities I was presented with over the past 4 years I can see God's hand in it all. He was faithful in pursuing my heart, and patient with my shortcomings. He picked me up multiple times and humbled me more then I ever thought possible. The God of the universe cared enough to take me by the hand and lead me in the direction of life. Towards the cross.
I am thankful, thankful for stressful nights, long hours studying, and friendships made over failing exams. I am thankful for heartbreak and falling in love with more things then I thought possible. I am not worthy of the life I have been given, but am thankful that a perfect God covers my imperfections. I am thankful that I was created by the king of all kings and am cherished by him.
"Submit yourself, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." --James 4:7
So today I submit, submit to the Lord who calls me His beloved. Submit to him and recognize that his ways are bigger then my ways. I submit to him because at the end of the day, he is all that matters.
As this last semester gets started I am prayerful and expectant for the Lord to show up. I am prayerful that he is going to teach me more about Him and push me towards the cross. I am also prepared to be discouraged and to be tempted by the devil. I recognize that he longs to see me fail. But I serve a God that is bigger then the devil himself and in Jesus' name there is power.
So I pray, pray that my heart would cling to Jesus and long to become more like him. Because at the end of the day I am His and only His.
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