We were made to be Loved

Campaign week is here at Auburn University and it has been crazy to say the least. Chi O has 3 candidates in top 5 so we have had to split our sorority three ways. This has been difficult yet exciting at the same time. All week we have been loving on these girls and making them feel so special. This got me to thinking about what it truly means to be loved. In our society today love is conditional and usually only exists when one is admired, adored, and worthy of respect. Just like loving on these girls is because we are proud of what they accomplished. What would life be like if we loved on people as christ loves on us. What if love wasn't conditional but rather unconditional and loving someone wasn't based on what they achieve. What if we loved each other because we weren't worthy and loved each other because of the mess we are. I think we would begin to see a glimpse of what God has planned for his kingdom. He wants to love each other as he loves us because that is what true love looks like. Christ does not love us because we are worthy and deserving, but loves us because we are his children and precious to Him. So today I am going to challenge myself to love people because that is what christ has called me to do, not because they are deserving. Thank you Jesus for being a wonderful example for me, and for loving me unconditionally. I know that I was made to love and be loved... Thank you for that!

In Him, Hannah

This is a picture of me and my two sweet littles. They are so precious to me and I am so grateful for them. A perfect picture of what love is!


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