Extravagant love.

"This is the story of a bride in white
Waiting on her wedding day
Anticipation welling up inside
While the groom is crowned as king
O death where is your sting
Cause we'll be there singing
Holy Holy Holy is the Lord"

Tonight I am reminded of the beautiful love story written for us on the cross. That although our flesh was destined to die we were extravagantly saved by the son of man. That although we deserved death in its entirety... the king came to seek and save the lost. This is the best story ever written.

Life is messy. It's scary, difficult, and down right nasty sometimes. People hurt and sin has encompassed the earth.... but then comes the climax. Then comes the day everything changed. The cross. 

Our savior took on death so that we may live. He took on a brutal beating and humiliation in place of his children so that we may achieve eternal glory. It is the ultimate love story. The ultimate story of redemption. The most beautiful picture of selflessness. 

So tonight I reflect on the fight. The fight that christ battles everyday... just to pursue me. His messy, sinful daughter who can never meet expectations. But the truth is... it doesn't matter. I am loved regardless, I am saved regardless, and I am desperately pursued. Christ calls me to love... so thats what I do. In the best way I know how... I love. I love him and others. I pursue his will for my life and hope that others will see how my imperfections are covered by a perfect God. 

1 John 4:9-11 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

That is the story. Simple and beautiful.

We are pursued... despite if we want to or not.

The story is a blast... it is the greatest adventure to be a part of. It is life in abundance, it is joy. 

So tonight I pray that you would understand the battle fought for you. That you would understand that you are in desperate need of a savior. EVERYDAY. That we were not made for this world. We were made to be in constant community with our savior. Rejoice over this gift and embrace this world with love. Knowing that the Lord's plans for you are good. That he just asks to you pursue him and taste and see his goodness.

Enjoy being pursued and enjoy tasting rich love!

You are worth it. 


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