Supremely Happy

After weeks of sleepless nights, lots of tears, countless prayers, and a faithful father I can officially say I will be graduating from Auburn University with a BSN in nursing.  It didn't come easy... but what ever does. After all, the best things in life come after a lot of hard work.

Tuesday morning came and went just like any other day, but for me and my two best friends it was a day that would determine our destiny come August 2nd...... at least we thought. 

After successfully passing a dreaded EXIT exam, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness.  Overwhelmed because of the grace my heavenly father lavished over me, overwhelmed for the support system I had, and overwhelmed with how deeply Jesus loves and cares for me.  He cares about each detail in my life and continually reminds me of how inadequate I am without him. I was on my knees. On my knees in relief and in thankfulness.  I was submitting to the one who went before me and stood beside me as I dealt with "this world". 

So today I write to say thank you.  Thank you to the many prayers sent out for me and my friends during this time.

One thing I have realized during this season of life is that I am human. I make mistakes, I fail, I cry, and I deny the God who can't stop serenading me. 

The God of the Universe continues to pursue my heart even when I am rebellious. He continues to pursue my heart even when I am ungrateful. He is faithful. 

Sooo this blog post is not meant to brag on my accomplishments but rather brag on how amazing our God is.

I pray that you would be reasonably happy in this world, but supremely happy with HIM..... because after all......

That is life. That is how we are destined to live. That is how we were made.

We were wired to be only supremely happy when we are in the fathers will. So today I encourage you to step back and think.... think about happiness in this world and then stop. Realize that you were made for more then that. You were made to love more deeply, laugh harder, and live life more radical then this world can offer. For we were made for HIM.


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