
“We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.” – Radical by David Platt.

“Christianity is taking what has been purchased by the cross: the behavior of heaven, the nature of Jesus Christ, and transplanting it into the hearts of men and women down here on earth.
So that they behave not like this earth, but like heaven!
And so when this world sees them, they’re different; there is something odd about them, they’re from another realm.
What does it look like?
It’s noble… it’s brave… it’s courageous… it’s selfless… it is willing to spend itself for the weak!
Because Jesus Christ will change a man… into a man that feels what Jesus Christ is feeling. And he cannot stay in suburbia USA anymore and do nothing.
Heroes are made because they are moved.”
-Eric Ludy

I am 20 years old and have 13 children and 400 more who all depend on me for their care. Who are all learning to love Jesus and be responsible adults and looking up to me. The reality of it all can be a bit overwhelming at times. However, it is always pure joy. There is a common misconception that I am courageous. I will be the first to tell you that this is not actually true. Most of the time, I am not brave. I just believe in a God who will use me even though I am not. Most mornings, before I even get out of bed I am overwhelmed with His goodness, with His plan for my life; I stand in awe of the fact that He could entrust me with so much. Most days, I don’t have much of a plan. I don’t always know where this is going. I can’t see the end of the road, but here is the great part: Courage is not about knowing the path. It is about taking the first step. It is about Peter, getting out of the boat. I do not know my five year plan; even tomorrow will probably not go as I have planned. I am thrilled and I am terrified, in a good way. So some call it courage, some call it foolish, I call it Faith. I choose to get out of the boat. To take the next step. Sometimes I walk straight into His arms. More often, I get scared and look down and stumble. Sometimes I almost completely drown. And through it all, He never lets go of my hand. -Katie

My feet long to step on red clay. My hand longs to hold their fragile fingers. My head longs to find an answer. My arms long to hold them tight. Most importantly, my heart longs to take away their pain, their suffering. Today I am living in a world of possibility, while my brothers and sisters are living in a world of hope. Hope in our Father... that he may provide every necessity. My life is full of choices, while their's is full of decisions already made. God is with them and through them and sometimes I wonder if he is even being made known here. It is time... time to let go of all earthly treasures and reach out to the healer of all things. Father please protect my babies in Kenya and allow them to fall into your arms. -Hannah

Missing my angels tonight!!! So much love being sent their way!


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